Not that I had watched a lot of it but I really enjoyed season 1 Whitney, plus anyone who gets Sandy Cohen on my TV screen wins a spot on my bff list! (What's that? My bff list is like Sheldon's Mortal Enemies list. Except the opposite.) Also I'm sure everyone agrees Two Broke Girls has the best innuendos in the business! And with that name, how can you not love Cummings? I could wax lyrical about her for days but Vulture already did it for me. Anyway, they cancelled it, guess only Chelsea Handler gets to be E!'s resident late night talk show comedienne.
When Whitney was doing that promo intro for the show or whatever that is called, she mentions Courtney Stodden - something about her falling off her sky-high heels and injuring her old husband (?) ...then sniggers meanly and says sorry. Obvi meaning sorry, I'm not sorry. And all this time I thought Courtney was a Real House wife of a city or a past bachelorette contestant or something along those lines, the reality is so much better (or worse depending on where you stand on these issues). Today Courtney turns up on my twitter feed among the bajillion people congratulating @perezhilton on the birth of his son that he felt the need to RT (serious side eye, we know you know and are liked by "famous" people Perez), and lemme tell you, you have to read/watch/see this girl to believe her! I can't! I just can't. To quote a friend, I have lost the ability to can. And we thought Heidi was delusional.