Monday, April 15, 2013

I'm a blog whore

There. I've said it. If I was a contestant on Jerry Springer's baggage I think that's what my smallest case would contain. The fact that I'm always falling in love with new blogs on the daily and ignoring my old loves. I used to love dearblankpleaseblank, and sleeptalkingman, and iwastesomuchtime... so many sites so few tabs... I'm now majorly into food/lifestyle/fashion blogs and my latest love (Ihope this isn't a flitting romance) is ThugKitchen. I wanna marry this man I swear! But only in the kitchen not full time.

Excuse his french. *smirk*

I need him to be my inner voice every time I'm hungry and all that's at hand is junk food.

See? See why I need him in my life?

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