Monday, September 16, 2013


Kit Harrington takes time of from irritating me as the grunting Jon Snow (I’m sorry you guys, I really think he was the worst casting! Have you read the books? THAT Jon Snow is so much more engaging! Anyway, I think its his lips that irritate me. I’d want them so much bigger for his face and hands. For Jon Snow basically. These are a prepubescent teen’s lips not those of a Night’s Watch man!) to star in the new issue of Wonderland magazine! I have to confess, I like Kit much better shirtless than swaddled in piles and piles of fur.

Also featured in the issue is Pretty Little Liar’s Julian Morris serving up steamy like its going out of fashion! *fans self* NSFW you guys, stand warned!

What I wouldn’t give for the Boy to let me shoot him in this pose! Ah!
The guys were not forgotten either, Downtown Abbey’s Lily James and titular lead for the remake of Cinderella is also featured! Wonderland, John Mayer had you all figured out, didn’t he?

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