Wednesday, October 1, 2014


Attending events like Bayimba is why I've barely had a free hour to just sit back and update the blog
Guess who woke up when September ended? This here blog is who. Last month was quite the busy month I tell you. Between my 8 to 5 weekdays and fully booked weekends and incredibly slow internet connections, those 30 days whooshed passed with nary a post. That said, let's take stock of what's been going on, shall we?
Making : Shopping Lists. So many shopping lists...Bathroom, Furniture, Groceries...if I don't write it down I'm bound to exceed my budget for this move.
Cooking : French toast counts, right? Have not been much of a cook lately TBH.
Drinking : Water. Always
Reading: Gone Girl. For the third time in anticipation of the movie release tomorrow.
Wanting: The hedges at my new place to come in already! God those things grow at snail pace!
Looking: for Abstract patterned curtains. I have a very specific aesthetic for my new home.
Playing: Jewel Saga and Scrabble on my new Samsung Galaxy I got for my birthday.
I didn't know it yet (actually suspected it was perfume) but this was to become an extension to my arm. I dunno how people managed without smart phones.

Wasting: Time. (What else is new?)
Sewing: T Shirt dresses. Ok, more like altering a few thrifted dresses. But the tshirt dress is so under rated you guys.
Wishing: to find the perfect all wood 4 seater Dining Set
Enjoying: Gone Girl. That book is just so well written!
Waiting: for payday
Liking: my new Tshirt dresses.
Wondering: what the next 6 months have in store for me
Loving: Life. Its actually pretty damn good once you start counting your blessings.
Hoping: I find the curtains and the Dining Set in time.
Marvelling: at how completely pigheaded I can be sometimes
Needing: a vacation. Preferably some place exotic.
Smelling: peach scented hand sanitiser that I just wiped all over the mouse and keypad.
Wearing: Tshirt dress from Mr Price
Following: Diana Opoti. Her #100DaysOfAfricanFashion just came to a close and was featured on buzz feed.
Noticing: How I sleep better on the days I exercise to exhaustion
Knowing: Everything happens for a reason
Thinking: About life and plans and fate
Feeling: Just fine.
This was at a promotional shoot for IkwangbyIkwang (detailed post coming soon). Told ya I've been a busy bee.
Have a lovely October dear reader. (As Jane Eyre would say)

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