Thursday, August 13, 2015


I think I say this every year, I love August. It's my absolute favorite month and not just because I'm an August baby. Oh no, I'm not that narcissistic. Two of my very favorite people happen to be born on the very cusp of it! One as it starts and another as it wraps up so as you can imagine, its a very celebratory month all round.

Video is blurry on blogspot but you can check it out here

And with celebrations, comes gifting. Now my go to gift is a good book, you can never go wrong with a great book. But I'm also of the view that you can't gift the same thing two years running so this time round I really had to rake my mind for a suitable gift for someone very askance about being squarely in her mid twenties and feeling nostalgic about her early twenties when the world was all laid out with endless possibilities. Having just come from the culmination of month's of planning the launch of her label I knew she'd love a getaway from it all and regroup amidst nature. I figured why not hit two birds with the same stone and help her embrace her new age by conquering a lifelong fear too? The possibilities are always there. And that's how I settled on a 2 person Ziplining Package with Griffin Falls.

Source: Griffin Forest Camp
Located within the lush Mabira Forest, Griffin Falls Camp is a mere 10km off the Kampala - Jinja highway but a world away from the hustle and bustle of the city. Owned by a Non Governmental Oragnisation, all proceeds from Camp activities are channeled into sustainable development projects in villages in and around Mabira Forest so this is a two-fer.

Source: Griffin Forest Camp
Source: Griffin Forest Camp
The Super Canopy Skywalk is the first of its kind in Uganda and spans over a network of 5 ziplines where one can take in the sights and sounds of the forest from a dizzying height! If you watched Tris ziplining during her Initiation in Divergent you can imagine how much more thrilling it is gliding through the lush forest with monkeys swinging overhead and rivers gushing past below!

I called up the management and explained what I was planning to do and that I wanted the date open so that the birthday girl could choose a day that would work best for her and they were very agreeable. Reservations and bookings were all done online and this past Saturday Suesanne and her boyfriend dared to do something new for the first time!

I was a little worried she'd be too scared to enjoy herself but guess there was some latent adrenaline junkie that was awakened 'cause she can't wait to go back! With a bigger group this time which I'll definitely be part of and hopefully blog about the experience first hand. Hell, I have plans of making an Amazing Race type thing out of it with Griffin Falls just the first stop in a range of team challenges. Dunno what the winner will get though. But I bet all involved will have fun!

So what do you guys think about gifting experiences rather than tangible presents? And what experience are you dying to try out and need a gentle shove to get on board with? I'd love to know so I include it in my imaginary Amazing Race Uganda Edition. 

Thanks for stopping by, Peace and Love.
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