Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Diverse Artistry

"People sometimes have this idea that there's something schizophrenic about wanting to apply your artistic energy in different places, but I think there's a new definition emerging of what it means to be an artist that is almost more about having a point of view than about having a mastery over a particular material."
-Lena Dunham, 2013. Read entire interview  here

I have had quite a number of blogs and somehow I never stick to one because my interests are so numerous and so diverse. I'm hoping umpteenth time is the charm. This time I'm not going to attempt to separate them. Or filter myself. This is a blog about the other side of me, the one not everyone gets to see. The "ugly pretty" side to borrow from Tyra. Where I can coquettishly let my geek flag fly high. I plan to have personal style posts, celebrity style crushes, DIYs, Book Reviews and other random gritty pretty pop culturally current stuff.

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