Thursday, January 17, 2013

Style Crush

Awards season is upon us and I'm not even going to delude myself into thinking I can attempt a comprehensive post about the Red Carpet. So I'm not going to try. I just wanna talk about Julianne Margulies or Alicia Florrick as she's known to me.

Are you trying to get Will Gardner disbarred for real this time???

Too sexy for her age? Overruled. Sure its a bit much layering midnight blue lace with cool dragon detail over teensy nude underskirt with an open back and high slits. But she kept it classy with a black heels, a red lip, and a high fussy-free pony. The defence rests. Alicia, please adopt me and teach me your ways.


  1. I thought the fashion at the globes was meh, but Alicia was at the top of her game. Which, she has to be, because, have you seen her hubs?

    1. Like I said, I need to be her protege and she teaches me her ways! The hubs is delish!


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