Thursday, January 8, 2015

OOTH (Outfit of the Holidays)

First photoshoot at my new digs! Pictures taken with Galaxy S4

2015 is off to a great start! But after the doozer that was 2014 there was really nowhere to go but up! So HAPPY NEW YEAR everyone!

It wasn't all grey skies in 2014, things actually picked up towards the end and I had myself the most marvellously relaxing holiday over the break ... caught up on series, read a couple of books, clocked in some face time with a couple of friends and relatives I hadn't visited all year...and attended my last wedding of the year :)

Dress: Mr Price
Jewelry: Ivory Plaza
Bag: Gift from Suesanne
Shoes: Mt. Zion
Scarf: Capital Shoppers, Ntinda
Never one to pass up a chance to dress in theme colours I was all decked on in green and red. Wasn't feeling my hair situation at he time so got one of my trusty scarves and tried out the Nefertiti head wrap and I have to say, I've never been more excited about a head wrap!

I eventually had a Chanel moment before arriving at the reception venue and took off the multi-strand pearl necklace. I'd what sapped a friend a picture before leaving for the reception and her response was; "What's the occasion? Christmas party at the Nigerian Embassy?" :D

Yes, I coordinated the gift paper too!

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