Saturday, November 9, 2013

Ah, Life. Thine sense of humour is unmatched!

Hey guys,
So remember that time I handed in my resignation letter so I could focus on my personal pursuits like blogging and graphic design and all? And then proceeded to go off the radar for weeks on end? Yeah, that time.

I became an aunt to the cutest baby that ever was and ever will be. And then proceeded to get freaked out by what her presence in my life entails vis-a-vis souls/reincarnation/pre-destination before her dad (my brother told me I'm being weird)

Well, I’d barely put up my legs with remote in hand and a stack of dvds begging to be watched when a friend called with this unturnable-down offer! So much as I wanted to lounge and be my own boss, I decided to go in for the interview, see what it was about and maybe start part time work in a month after getting my affairs in order, you know, for the financial security and such. Poor little delusional me. The reason the offer was irresistible is because they were swamped! I started work then and there! Never mind about part timing and all!
So yeah, there you have it. I’ve become a desk monkey again and this time I can’t even think of leaving cuz gosh, I’ve made such major moves lately that not having a regular cash flow would be the worst kind of slow suicide I could commit.

Being October, work or no work, the girls and I weren't about to let the one night a year that we can dress up like total sluts and no other girls can judge go by unacknowledged. So we slapped on some makeup and hit the town!
(*side bar - I DIY'ed the witch's hat from plastic bags and bond paper. I'm supposed to be a cross between Professor McGonagall and lady Stoneheart in case you couldn't tell)

But fear not, I’m going to figure this out, this balancing thing I mean. Going to pick a leaf from the most hardworking woman in the biz, Kim Kardashian (haha, I kid.) songstress, designer, #thuglifer, muse, producer, weedlover, globetrotter, actress, (she was in This is the End, you guys) and all round awesome 24 year old Riri and multitask this b*tch called the quarter life crisis into submission! I mean if she can sell out stadiums while partying all night, designing for RiverIsland, producing StyledToRock and keeping Melissa and half of Barbados in honest employment then surely I can keep my 8 to 5, blog, workout, and get my design firm off the ground without dying of exhaustion!

When I'm not working or being Aunt Awesome or partying, I'm house/furniture hunting! Mehn, October has been like being run over by a freight train and now the holiday season is upon us!

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