*Disclaimer* I'm not yet back to full blogging mode so cut me some slack if I half ass this.
Anyhoo, I feel like everything that can be said about the best gowns on the red carpet has already been said. I mean, there's just so many adjectives the internet can use for Lupita Nyong'o, right?! And Jennifer #Lawrencing is a thing now thanks to her Dior gown, so that happened. Sorry Angelina Jolie's leg, time for retirement now.
Personally, Amy Adams was my best dressed. Followed closely by Jessica Chastain (the detail on her gown! le sigh), Julianne Marguiles, Olivia Wilde and Cate Blanchett. But let's just dive straight to the misses, shall we?
You guys, I haven't watched Precious based on a novel by Sapphire but I have seen enough of Gabourey here to honestly say she's obese. Like 5 pounds away from being morbidly so. Those guys that call her beautiful and run to her defence when honest people like moi speak out are doing her a disservice! There are fat actresses in Hollywood that no one minds and lots of people love, Gabourey isn't one of them, because Gabourey isn't fat - she's obese.
So her stylist's choice to put her in this unforgiving fabric that shows where her bra strap digs into her shoulders, cupped with half sleeves when really it would have been kinder to cover up til the elbow is just wrong. So wrong. I gave up on my dinner and did press ups last night when she showed up on the red carpet as I was watching E!s repeat. That wrong.
On the other end of the spectrum is Lady Victoria Hervey who knows she's got a banging body and wants to rub it in everyone's faces! This is what she wore to the after party.
This isn't a one off thing by the way. Girlfriend loves putting the goods on display!
Honourable mention for worst dress goes to Julia Roberts whose dress was bi-polar; business above the waist and party downstairs, Zoe Saldana who sounded like she'd been given no choice by the designer during her interview with Seacrest and Heidi who every time she's judging Project Runway I have a hard time reconciling that wise and gentle judge with her TTH red carpet persona!
Weird how they're all basically in black and white! Next time pick a colour, it disguises a multitude of sins! God knows it saved Lena Dunham this time round. That and the genius that is Zac Posen.