Wednesday, January 8, 2014


HAPPY 2014! It's almost a year since I started this particular blog and what a year it was! Short of getting engaged/pregnant/Masters degree I think I experienced everything a twentysomething does!
I have big hopes for this year (don't I always?) and since most of my ventures are collaborative efforts, chances are high that my natural tendency to procrastinate won't get in the way!

This view you guys!!! This view! Its something else I tell you. I even entered this picture in the #HolidaysAtHomeUg promotion so go over to and vote for me! I took so many more breathtaking pics at the Source of the Nile, Jinja but the promo rules are you have to be in the pic so this is what we are working with.
A collage of the second half of my holiday (1st half back home in Entebbe was basically an eat+read+watch movie+sleep orgy): I moved into new digs, went gift shopping (read spent ages trying on outfits and taking selfies) with Terri, ate a lot - A WHOLE LOT - this is in fact going to be a post of its own, toured Jinja - this place has more hotels/Guesthouses than Entebbe!!!
Picture on right is four days before the left and I think I gained about 3 pounds in the interval! No worries though, living with my vegan bro should make shedding the pounds a piece of cake!
I'm still hangover from the best christmas break ever so I'm not really back in blogging mode hence the bookmark but figured I out to say something about the new year before that got stale. Toodles!
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