Tuesday, March 10, 2015


This blogger life is not for having qualms about where to shoot or not to shoot. I’m fast realizing that I cannot walk away from a great location or an interesting prop without carrying out an impromptu photoshoot! 

Obviously these random shoots usually find me sans makeup or with dusty soles – I have dry Kampala to thank for that - but I’m not going to let that stop me.

One such shoot was over the weekend while at a friend’s home to film our latest segment for TheTalk256 when I spied this magnificent bike and I just had to get a few quick ones in! Once I got a willing photographer I quickly jumped on, never mind that I haven’t the strangest idea how to ride one! It felt so good straddling it I half made up my mind to learn how to ride it there and then. Riding a bike would definitely amp my cool factor around the neighbourhood!

Crop Top & Vest: Gift from dad
Pants: Mega Supermarket, Aponye Mall
Wedge Sneakers: PapleRayn

I spent the time between takes reading Tina Fey’s Bossy Pants (I gave up on Catch 22 when a “Henry Fonda” was mentioned for the third time and I put two and two together that that was the only Fonda I was going to encounter in that book! Life is too short to read books that aint up your street, bestsellers though they may be.)

I’m about halfway into Bossy Pants and while I'll be the first to worship at the altar of Tina Fey's awesomeness, this book as not as funny as I expected. I think Chelsea Handler spoilt me for other comedians/authors. Having laughed ribcrackingly at almost every other page of *Chelsea, Chelsea, Bang, Bang**My Horizontal Life*, and *Are You There Vodka, It’s Me Chelsea*, I came to Bossy Pants expecting to wet my pants laughing, I mean this is Liz Lemon we’re talking about people! And yet I'm doing more SMH than LOL. 
But once I got past expecting to laugh at every page (I really should start reading books with an open mind and no preconceived expectations) it's a really great life affirming book about her journey from middle class obscurity to A list celebrity.  I especially loved the bit about Kim K being a Russian engineered doll designed to sabotage athletes :D Lord knows with her new platinum blond hair she's looking very Barbie adjacent!
Also loved The rules of Improvisation That Will Change Your Life and Reduce Belly Fat* 
So I'm looking forward to any further revelations the next half of the book will bring.

Thanks for stopping by.
Peace and Love.
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