Happy 2nd half of 2014!!! This was supposed to be my grand return about being MIA for so long. I had a post drafted out and everything! Basically recapping whative been up to these past few months and culminating into the Paple Rayn Launch! This this genius app deleted instead of publishing!
I have never felt so let down by technology since I lost my final essay I'd worked on all semester on the morning of submission! It was all I could do not to smash my laptop and tear out my hair and run naked for thehills. This is a close second.
Anyhow I'll probably rewrite it and post it up but I had to post something today - this year has flown by on Concorde level speed! Blink and we'll be in 2015! Have a great last 6 months of 2014 and if you know how to activate the autosave before publish option on Blogger for Android app please clue me in.