Monday, January 19, 2015


Another year, another month of weekends of weddings. Seems like I not only ended last year with a wedding, I'm beginning this one off with another! Love really is in the air. At this rate there will no longer be such a thing as wedding season because it seems to be all year round these days.

 Not that I'm complaining, my party closet is way more stocked than my work closet so I welcome every opportunity to pull out the glad rags and doll up.

Hat: Mt Zion
Jewelry: Gazaland
DeFacto Watch: Gift
Bag: Thrifted
Dress: Angel's Plaza
Shoes: Gift

It was my first islamic wedding and I know they're notorious for turning people away at the mosque if there is too much skin exposed so I wore the longest thing I had in my closet which is this chiffon dress I got on a whim while gift shopping over the holidays, with a long sleeved top underneath. Finished off the look with a hat because it was simply too hot to do a head wrap.
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